Graftobian Professional Makeup | Makeup and Surface Sanitizing Spray 2oz
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THIS POST WAS WRITTEN BEFORE THE SPEED OF THE SPREAD of COVID-19 and the impact of the disease was fully understood. Please follow the suggestions of the CDC and from well informed doctors, scientists and your government leaders when considering if now is an appropriate time to face paint at parties. Face painters are not part of the essential/critical workforce, so if STAY HOME orders are issued in your state or county, it is best to err on the side of caution and wait until a later date to paint at parties. There are other services you can provide like Video Chat magic shows, face paint story telling or princess parties where the birthday child can spend some time with you while they are practicing social distancing on their birthday. Now is the time to be creative and find alternative ways to keep your business going during this difficult time in COVID-19 has reached your area. Sending you all tons of love! (3/28/2020)
Please keep reading to find some FREE info sheets you can use when face painting at events once you are allowed to and it is safe to do so (including Spanish versions).
Below is the original post.
Given that the entire world is currently in one way or another focused on the Coronavirus, specifically the COVID-19 and its consequences, we have decided that we should make a blog post about the way this new virus will or can affect our industry and how to best approach your customers and the public to keep them safe while still continuing to run your business if your area is not affected and you are still allowed to work.
Feel free to watch this video tutorial explaining some safe practices that you can use to keep your face painting sanitary.
Through the entire article we will use as a reference the USA CDC website since that is our official source of information in the USA for the outbreak:
Based on the CDC website, "the virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person. Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet). It passes through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes, but this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads."
So, the virus can spread during any kind of activity in the presence of a sick person, but there is no indication based on the CDC information in our opinion that the act of applying paint to the face is a way of spread. However, being in close proximity to others if they cough will increase the risk of contracting the virus, and this is hard to avoid while face painting.
As explained before, that depends on how you do it, and of course on the recommendations of your local authorities. Face Painting can be done in a sanitary way to help reduce the chances of spreading the virus, but nothing in life is full proof. In many states, people still go out to work, to the supermarket, the movies, parks, and they use public transportation. Face painting is just another activity in those states where stay at home orders are not in place due to lack of cases of the virus there. Still, now is the time to ramp up your sanitation procedures, no matter where you live.
The CDC Website recommends the following actions:
Face masks should be used by people who show symptoms of COVID-19 to help prevent the spread of the disease to others. The use of face masks is also crucial for health workers and people who are taking care of someone in closed settings (at home or in a health care facility). The CDC keeps updating their opinion on the benefits of using a face mask, so please check their site. Some stay home orders require the use of face masks for everyone who leaves the home as areas start to open up.
So, lets translate that to what can be done while you are face painting:
Here is quote from the president of Graftobian, Eric Coffman about Graftobian Makeup and Surface Sanitizing Spray. "We have been using the SDA 40B Alcohol, a crisp, clean smelling medium quick drying alcohol, to sanitize makeup of all kinds for quite some time. It needs to be able to work on all kinds of makeup, including pressed powders without changing the surface consistency of the makeup, hence no water. A few sprays from the misting cap and you can see the moisture on the surface of your makeup. It will dry completely in less than a minute, but not so fast that it can’t do it’s job. It is true that it can break down oils on surfaces, one of its strengths actually. If you spray water on pressed powders, you can reduce the payoff the next time you go to use the pressed powder. As a sanitizing spray, you want to primarily kill germs, as quickly and effectively as possible without harming the surface of the makeup. You don’t want to leave behind any residue or modify the overall chemistry of the makeup."
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If you want to read a very detailed blog post on sanitation please visit our Top 10 Safety and Hygiene Tips for Face Painting - The Ultimate Guide post for more in depth information.
That decision is up to you. If your local authorities have forced event venues to close down then you will have to follow their directions, but if there are no directions from the authorities or event planner then that is up to you. Make an informed decision, you can ask yourself the following questions:
- Am I part of the higher risk group that could get really sick if I caught the virus?
- Is the virus prominent in my town? See this map for more information on that.
- Have I recently traveled to one of the areas where the virus is more prominent and 14 days have not passed since yet? In this case you might want to stay home until 14 days have passed to make sure you are not sick.
Keep in mind that a cancellation will affect future bookings and can affect the overall feel for our industry during this health crisis, and it might be unnecessary if you take the precautions recommended by the health authorities in your area.
How each person decides to react to this situation is their personal decision and we highly suggest that in case a host wants to cancel an event due to this specific situation you first let them know what measures you have in place to help prevent the spread so that the host knows that you know what you are doing. If they insist, then you can look at your contract and act accordingly. Keep in mind though that many companies are becoming more flexible on cancellation fees and deposits because of this particular situation so you might want to temporarily change your non refundable booking fee to at least be transferable to a future event, so long as you have an open date when that future event comes up.
You can also offer a service that has less contact with the face like a special balloon delivery, painting face shields, henna art, animal balloons, glitter tattoos and airbrush tattoos, or avoid all contact by providing a magic show or video chat or sing along with a special character.
Also, we highly recommend calling your deposit a BOOKING FEE so that it is clear that the amount paid in advance is actually to cover the expenses related to booking the party, which you have already done. This way it doesn't sound like you are being unreasonable holding on to a fee for an event you haven't done. Take care with cancellations so that when things pick up your customers will be happy to invite you to their next event.
The most important thing beyond prevention, is not to spread panic or fear within your customers. Taking preventive measures is a great thing, spreading fear is not since it won't make anything better and can make people act irrationally. Once fear spreads it is hard to control. You have a business to run, a family to feed, and most businesses have continued to operate even under these circumstances during yearly flu seasons of the past. However, this is a new strain of flu that has created a worldwide pandemic, so you have to stay calm and think logically and in the interest of those you come in contact with.
1 - Keep your face paints, face painting brushes and face painting sponges protected. You can do that by keeping a thin sheet of clear plastic over your paints and keeping your unused brushes in a sealed container as well as your unused sponges.
2 - When you get to the event use hand sanitizer or ask the host where you can wash your hands. Make sure not to touch any door knobs or other people once you have washed.
3 - Keep a hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes at hand to clean your hands in between customers.
4 - Never double dip your sponges or brushes. Only dip them once in the water and once in the paint. If you need more, reach for a new sponge and a new brush. This way nothing goes from the face you are painting to the paint or your water. Sponges can be washed off at home, brushes can be soaked in 70% alcohol and be left to try before re-use. You might want to adapt your designs so that you know they can be painted with just one load of each cake.
5 - Use something like the rinse well for your water, since that way only clean water touches your brushes.
6 - According to the CDC a sanitizer without at least 60% alcohol like Brush Bath or Lush Brush won't be effective to kill he COVID-19 virus, so don't rely just on those as your primary sanitation method for this situation.
7 - You can ask your host if they would like you to use gloves while painting. It might make some feel safer, while it might make others feel uncomfortable. This won't really make a change but it can give the impression of a cleaner practice. Just make sure to avoid latex gloves or powdered gloves since many can be allergic to them.
8 - After each party clean your kit thoroughly with sanitizing wipes approved by the CDC to fight the COVID-19 virus. Let your paints dry out in a safe environment where they can't come in contact with the virus. Use a makeup sanitizer spray to sanitize your paints. As far as the CDC knows the virus won't survive for too long on the surface. Some suggest using UV lights, or a food dehydrator since there is a chance that heat or the UV light might be able to kill the virus, but there is no confirmation from the CDC on that.
9 - Avoid painting around the eyes, mouth and nose. If you paint the lips use disposable q-tips and throw them away, far from your kit. If you use glitter either apply it loose with a poofer, or if you will spread it, make sure not to double dip and try using the silicone wands to apply since those can be sanitized easily between customers.
10 - Have a small section on your website dedicated to sanitation so potential customers can see what steps do you take, and see that you care. You don't have to make it all about the COVID-19 as that can actually scare customers away, but rather about how face painting can be done in a sanitary way. You can include images, a video, or simply a list of common practices you take.
11 - When possible, try arriving to your gig on your own car rather than through public transportation to reduce the chances of getting in contact with the virus.
12 - Instead of giving away business cards you can have a large version of it printed and on display on your table and asks guests to take a picture of it. That way you reduce chances of spread through contact as well.
13 - Before a kid sits in your chair, you can squirt some hand sanitizer on their hands, and ask them to rub it well between their fingers, back and front of the hand and nails. Then when they sit and grab the sides of your chair their hands will be clean. You can still do a quick wiping of the chair in between customers.
14 - Use a numbers system to prevent people from standing in line. Give away stickers or write down their names on a list, this way you don't have a bunch of kids standing in a line very close to each-other.
15 - When the weather and location allows, ask to paint in a well ventilated area, preferably outside. The CDC says that well ventilated environments are safer.
16 - Although it can be hard, try and make it all look natural, don't make a big deal of it. Do it with a smile to create a sensation of safety and not panic... just like they do at a doctor's office or at a tattoo shop.
17 - You can offer to paint arms instead, away from typical coughing area (elbow corner) or paint around collar area, or even face paint their face shields (after sanitizing the outside of them with a sanitizing wipe).
18 - Offer to paint Face Shields at a party, or deliver them to a party. This might appeal to someone who isn't ready for you to paint faces yet, and it is something cool that the kids can keep and use later!
Please keep in mind that this product has not been proven to kill the COVID-19 virus. The CDC recommends the following products to kill the COVID-19 virus:
Here is a list of the EPA’s Registered Antimicrobial Products for Use AgainstNovel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, the Cause of COVID-19:
Well, this is the time to do everything you had not done so far for your business! Here are some great ideas:
- Practice! Use your paints to practice and get better, if you rather not use it on kids, you can get a practice board and practice on them. Get better so that when things go back to normal you can offer even better quality face painting.
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- Learn new Skills. If you have never tried glitter tattoos, airbrush, henna or balloon twisting this might be the time! Maybe you can explore doing magic shows or face painting with story telling, or develop some new characters and costumes. Go to and find tutorials. This will help you expand your skills and be able to get more jobs once people start booking again.
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- Improve your marketing. Go work on your website, your social media pages, your blog. Create content, improve images, add more content. This way, when people start booking for events they will have an easier time finding you.
- Read about business topics and other face painting related things. At Jest Paint we have a huge blog filled with great information that you now have time to read :)
The links below will allow you to access free posters we made that you can customize and have in a visible area of your face painting kit once health officials consider it is safe for you to go out and face paint again. We have 5 links: 2 images of the poster (English and Spnish), 2 PDFs of the poster (in English and Spanish) and a link to the original Power Point so that you can edit it as you wish, add your logo, change colours or text, etc.
Keep in mind these are just ideas, and not medical, legal or health advice. You can check on your protocol with your local health officials and your insurance if you have any questions.
English Safe Face Painting Poster Image
Spanish Safe Face Painting Poster Image
English Safe Face Painting Poster PDF
Spanish Safe Face Painting Poster PDF
English and Spanish Power Point Link to Customize your Posters
Superstar is providing the public with a list of PDFs containing a lot of information that you might find useful when developing your own protocol for health and sanitation. This will be updated by Superstar as new information is gathered or changes are made to regulations. Your local government government regulations and information from other regulating bodies always precede any other advice.
Click Superstar General Instructions to read about how to properly use, clean and store Superstar face paints. This information can be useful for all water activated cake makeup.
Click Superstar Covid-19 Protocol to read about current updates on using Superstar Paints in concerns to Covid - 19.
Click Health Checklist for Customers for a list of questions to ask your clients before painting them, to limit the risk of painting a sick person.
Click Health Checklist for You and Your Staff for a list of questions to ask yourself and your staff before deciding if it is safe for you to work.
Click Cleaning and Disinfecting Brushes for information on sanitizing your face paint brushes.
Click Hand Washing Protocol and Personal Protection Equipment Protocol to learn how to wash hands properly and personal protection equipment options and how to use them in a sanitary way.
Aquí hay información proporcionada por Superstar sobre saneamiento, salud y seguridad.:
Superstar Instrucciones Generales
Chequeo de Salud Para Clientes
Control de Salud para Usted y Sus Empleados
Limpieza y Desinfeccion de Pinceles
Consejos de Superstar sobre el uso de Equipos de Proteccion Personal
Please remember, WE ARE NOT DOCTORS, we are not health officials, we are not health workers or lawyers. We are business owners in the face painting industry and our advice should be taken as an opinion based on our research. Please consult with the CDC, health care workers and or the authorities for directions on how to act. Jest Paint is not liable in any form for what you do or stop doing based on the opinions expressed on this blog post or for whatever happens to you, your customers or any other person in relationship to the opinions provided on this blog post. Take care everyone! Keep your eyes out for the smiles, rainbows and glitter on the other side!
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