Welcome to our worldwide face painters, body artists and professional event and family entertainers directory. Here you will find listings for professional face painters, body artists and entertainers from around the world, including pictures of their work, important information like the area they serve, the services they provide and contact information, as well as reviews that will help you know what others think about the services these professionals provide.
All professional face and body painters, as well as balloon artists, airbrush artists, henna artists, glitter tattoo masters, are listed by country in the case of those who are outside the USA and by state for those in the USA. Simply choose the State or Country you are looking a professional face painter or party entertainer for and find them organized alphabetically by their business name.
The listing will include within the name the main city they serve. Once you find an entertainer you like, click on the listing to read more about their business, see pictures and read or post reviews.
We do our best to keep every listing up to date so that you can easily hire a party entertainer in the USA or in your country.
With our directory for face painters, body artists and party entertainers you don't have to worry about referral fees, service fees, about hidden contact information or anything like that. You will have free access to all of the information you need to find and contact the entertainer you want directly, no intermediaries.
This service is completely FREE and provided to you by a company that is a leader in the face and body art community and one of the largest suppliers worldwide for face and body art supplies, Jest Paint LLC.
When choosing a professional entertainer for your event, make sure to ask them about insurance, about their safety protocols, about the products they use and their policies so to avoid any issues. We strongly recommend for you to hire only professionals that are insured, provide you with a service contract and use professional grade products, but we do not guarantee that all of the artists listed on our directory meet those requirements. Please confirm with the artist before you hire as Jest Paint LLC is not liable or responsible for your relationship with the artist, we simply just list the information they provide us with.