Silly Farm Rainbow Cakes
NOTICE: at our store we sell not only face and body paints and tools but also Special FX (SFX) products designed to be used for special effects only. UV/Neon colors that have that notice on their description and/or name indicate that they are not considered a cosmetic product within the USA and Europe. These neon/uv products have yet to bested by the USA FDA for cosmetic safety so manufacturers have labeled them and sell them as a Special FX product to be used on clothing, over prosthetics, etc to create a black light glow effect. This warning does not apply to all countries that we sell to, please look into your own country's regulations for neon face paints. Any Neon/UV paint without that warning has been determined to be cosmetic compliant by the manufacturer. At Jest Paint we don't label these products and are not responsible for manufacturer's claims or label's compliance, but we do our best to make sure that the label information provided to us is available on our website as well. If you have questions please contact the manufacturer directly.