Silly Farm Face Paint | Arty Brush Cake - 4TH OF JULY 28gr #14
10+ in stock!
10+ in stock!
What are the dimensions of this product?
28 gram standard container - 2 1/16" x 1 1/4" x 10/16"
What is this product best for?
Arty Brush Cakes are small face painting rainbow cakes that combine a few different colors that blend well together. Arty Brush Cakes make it possible to create beautiful designs with a quick stroke of a brush or swipe of a sponge! Great for fireworks, flags, and stars!
How do I apply the paint?
Arty Brush cakes are best applied using a 3/4" flat, angled or filbert brush. Wet your brush or use a spritzer spray bottle to wet the rainbow cake slightly then move the brush back and forth over the Fun Stroke cake. Choose a brush size based on how many colors you want to pick up. Hold the cake vertically so that any dripping paint will run down the color of the stripe, and not across the whole rainbow. Put just the tiny tip of your brush back in your water cup if you need to add more water. You want the paint to be fully loaded, appearing wet and shiny, but not drippy. Make sure that your brush is lined up with the correct colors when you reload. Rinse and repeat if colors start to get too mixed.
How do I remove the paint?
Use a moist soapy cloth or sponge to wipe the paint off the face. Do not rinse the face off with water first, or it may be more difficult to remove it. Use gentle soap or baby oil around the eyes. Rinse out the cloth or sponge and repeat if necessary.
What else should I know?
Arty Brush Cakes are hand made in the USA using professional face and body paints from a variety of brands. These high quality face paints are non-toxic, hypoallergenic, anti-microbial, gluten free, and nut free.