Diamond FX Face Paint - 6 Color Pastel Palette
6 in stock!
6 in stock!
You will love these bold tropical colors that are in the Diamond FX Pastel Palette! These face painting colors are perfect for princesses, cats, butterflies, fairies, and so much more! This is a great set of paints to compliment your basic face painting kit.
The 6 color palette case is 9 7/8 inches long, 2 1/4 inches wide, 5/8 of an inch thick when closed.
The small containers are 1 1/2 inches long, 1 1/2 inches wide, and 1/2 an inch thick with lid on.
There are approximately 10 grams of face paint in each container at the moment of production. The containers are removable so that they can be used separately and to make cleaning the palette easier.
¡Te encantarán estos llamativos colores tropicales que se encuentran en la paleta de colores Pastel de Diamond FX! ¡Estos colores son perfectos para diseños de princesas, gatos, mariposas, hadas y mucho más! Este es un gran conjunto de pinturas para complementar tu kit básico de maquillaje artístico.