Topaz Stencils | Face Painting Stencil - BIG Butterfly Flutter Eyes (0358)
8 in stock!
8 in stock!
What are the dimensions of this Topaz Face Painting Stencil?
This Topaz face painting stencil is 7.25" x 4.75" and they are cut from a 7 mil (0.007") thick Mylar.
What is the Topaz Butterfly Flutter Eyes best for?
TOPAZ Stencils created this beautiful stencil that we love using for eye designs! It is the perfect size to wrap around the eye creating an intricate eye look. The stencil makes it appear as thought you have butterfly wings around your eyes. This stencil is perfect for spring!
How to use Topaz Face Painting Stencils?
All body art stencils require some practice to learn how to use them properly, but once you learn how to use them you can get through your face painting line much faster! Learn more about stenciling by reading our Face Painting with Stencils - Instructions and Best Stencils Guide.
You can use water based or powder based paints, or you can use them with airbrush paints.
Using sponges with very small pores is best since they provide a more even coverage and they tend to hold less water. Some people also like to use kabuki style brushes with their stencils, just make sure the brush has a very thin load of paint and it is fairly dry.
How to Store my Stencils?
All body art stencils are delicate tools and require lots of care to make sure you can use them for years to come. Before storing them make sure they are clean. Put the stencil under a gentle stream of water and then use a clean towel to softly wipe the surface of the stencil on both sides. Use gentle movements, so not to bend any parts of the stencil. You can remove stubborn stains with some soap. Pat the stencils dry using a towel and put them away.
What Else Should I know about Topaz Stencils?
Topaz Stencils are manufactured in the USA
¿Cuáles son las dimensiones de este Topaz Face Painting Stencil?
Las plantillas de pintura facial Topaz son approximadamente 18,4 cm x 12 cm y están cortadas de un Mylar de 7 milímetros de espesor.
¿Para qué es mejor Topaz Stencils ?
Las plantillas Topaz son la más novedosa herramienta para pintar caras. Estas pequeñas plantillas están diseñadas para encajar alrededor de caras pequeñas para permitirte crear diseños de gran apariencia con poco o ningún esfuerzo por tu parte.
El material flexible y la forma permiten que la plantilla se curve con la forma de la cara y se adapte a cualquier área deseada sin ningún inconveniente.
¿Cómo usar Topaz Face Painting Stencils?
Las plantillas de Body Art requieren un poco de práctica para aprender a usarlas correctamente, pero una vez que aprendas cómo usarlas, ¡puedes cruzar la línea en tus trabajos y hacerlo mucho más rápido! Aprender mas aqui! Pintura Facial con Plantillas: Instrucciones y La Mejor Guía de Plantillas